Crawler + Pilot + Platform = KB Suite
Individually or in a complete package,
adapt your monitoring tools as you wish!

Monitor everything you want, continuously
Solution for automating the collection and processing of your information sources.

Turn data into relevant information
Content enrichment, modelling and classification solution.

For everyone, the right information, in the right format, at the right time
Information dissemination and decision support solution.

No more compromising?
Complete solution for your entire monitoring process
Customer services and support
For the design of your project
KB Crawl helps you to define your strategy
and to choose the tools adapted to your needs.
For the integration of your tool
KB Crawl trains you in the use of your tool, and gives you all the keys to configure and customize it according to your expectations.
For post-delivery follow-up
KB Crawl provides you with personalized support
with a consultant dedicated to your service.

Need a demonstration?
KB Crawl develops and markets monitoring tools adapted to your needs, whatever your sector of activity